Thursday, November 28, 2019

Dear Mike Volume 01

Dear Mike,
I am thinking about getting an Instant Pot. Other colors were a lot more expensive, so I'm good with the cheaper color. Does it really matter? 
Unless that color adds a certain special spice to everything you cook that makes it taste like it came from your favorite restaurant or food truck.
Maybe I need to research how color affects your instapot, crockpot, and kitchen-aid mixer and what comes out of them.
Amber from Sunapee.

Dear Amber,

For years, in the military.  When PT time came around, I always tied the 5 foot long dark green army wool scarf around my head as a headband, ninja style and talked with exaggerated mouth movements like in the old Bruce Lee movies (like Jones on Police Academy). It was just my thing.  Everyone in my unit expected it.  It was my normal.   Many years later, we are stupidly running in the dark, as a unit, before the sun rose, like a bunch of idiots on a Sunday morning.  We have a brand new 1st Sargent.  As I run up alone side of him, he asks me in a very harsh tone, “What’s that thing on your head soldier?” To which I very forcefully replied, “It makes me run faster, 1st Sargent!”

What is the significance?  I think if that scarf can make one run faster and put run of the mill Army dorks in their place, then perhaps the color of your Instant Pot COULD affect the flavor of your meals…

My Firstborn Awakening

 You could never know the life you made, the definition you brought, and the love you showed me that can exist in one person's heart. I ...