Saturday, August 12, 2017

From a misty past comes light on something there, but unexplained until now...

Alison Steele the nightbird


I have made many friends in life. In fact a drill Sargent once told me that there is a lot of love in the world if you just st look for it.

In the faces of people not yet met, sometimes there is a depth. I have always known that I see this depth. It's like being from a far away land and hearing someone speak your native language in a crowd. It stands out.

I am pulled toward those that have struggled. Those to whom nothing has ever come easy. I see the struggle as a trophy. Owning this trophy myself, I feel I have license to say this.

I never analyzed why I have the respect and admiration for those who have worked so much harder than the average person, but the poem that Alison reads here sheds some light on it. If only by their faces to me would equate to the person who has a normal life; in bed at 9, 8 hours of sleep, dinner at 5:30, bills paid, everything works, predictability, trivial focus...bleeeehhcckk!

My crazed existence always finding me needing to have been somewhere 30 minutes ago would feel a little better with some of the person above's characteristics.

This incredible voice on the night sky, getting us to think about the deeper things. We took a soft ride into the night air, and you consoled us, you challenged us and you somehow loved us. We miss you Alison.

1 comment:

  1. This is a writing style that I crave to be able to imitate - it flows smoothly and contains a genuine tone, encouraging us to look at the world a little differently.


Safe Haven (Part two - Perfect Strangers)

 He was aimless on the edge of a new dawn, freedom like he had never known. He never thought about summer ending. It was like he was exempt ...