Saturday, September 21, 2024


Joe and I sat at the table many years ago on the island and talked about cars. I took the words from reality into absolute science fiction. He called it out as worthless. I knew then that this type of daydream was futility. Why dream of something that is not even possible?

I understand today the uselessness of using brain power on something that cannot grow. Sure, daydreaming is nice, but it can be a tool for creativity, and it can be a tool for frustration when dwelling on equations that do not make sense.

 The daily puzzles that rise into view cannot be solved by always adding something that does not make sense. All I see is hurt, and damage. It says that all we have worked for is insufficient and insults the struggles made to be where we are. It is a lonely road to walk.

Living on this side of what is real and what cannot be real can allow you to dream, see, and do. The other side is insanity. I have seen it in people; eventually, they are a shell of a person, empty and insufficient.

So if you say to me on the road we are traveling, "What if this" and "What if that," it only resonates as what we have is insufficient, and where we are going is not even that direction. It only feels low. It only feels down. Everything feels insufficient.

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