Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Don't Yuk My Yum

When you are doing something incredible, life asks when you will fall. 

When you are riding, the slip-stream pockets appear in the vacuum.

You stumble and even fall

You tumble, you crash, scrape and burn sometimes.

Look up at the sky and do it again.

Stay the course, because good things are happening.

Be the change you desire to see all around you, 

then fight, fight, fight. Quietly determined.

When you see the light and rally the people in the land

savor all the good you have done, and lift each other up.

Don't you ever let this be about greed.

Do not poison the well. Give freely and you will see.

I don't want to go out in the rain

I don't want to go out in the rain

I don't want to live with those restraints

incarcaration of self-affliction.

What if we could see the bars we put around ourselves?

Would we all unite and declare our liberation?

Would we free each other?

Would we allow others to free us?

Don't bring me down

Don't bum me out

Don't rain on my parade

Don't be so negative

I was admiring a wise woman and the art she masters.

She told me that you have to just let it go.

I know she is right, 

There is no room for bitterness in any of us.

Let this beautiful thing have it's day

Let it grow and flourish as it can and should.

You will be surprised with what will happen,

Let it be, let it go, get over it.

It will be great.

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Don't Yuk My Yum

When you are doing something incredible, life asks when you will fall.  When you are riding, the slip-stream pockets appear in the vacuum. Y...