Thursday, May 30, 2019

Who's Behind the Door?

In late 1996, I kept thinking about what my father would have been thinking about the last 7 days of his life.  It was all I could think about, so I finally had to put it to paper and let it free.  I know what he had basically done during those days and what he might have been feeling seemed to be floating in the atmosphere all around me.  You may wonder how I could really know the subliminal feelings that my father may have been experiencing during this time.  All I can say about that is that, when I read these words, I keep hitting spots that resonate like a guitar string struck that is connected between my core and running out millions of miles away to the other end of the universe.  This is my attempt to put it into those feelings into thoughts and ultimately, words.

Who's Behind the Door?


By Mike Jackson

      The day is humid.  The salt is in the air.  It has been there for sixteen years now.  I do not wonder for how long more it will be there.  Should I?

      The morning sun warns of it's forthcoming anger as I open to door to my old truck.  I turn the key.  The engine answers, just like always.

      Is there a shadow?  Somewhere in the great depths of my existence? Do I comprehend that this is the last Monday there will ever be?  My heart is so full of memories.  My dreams are nothing more than foolish recollections.  It might surprise anyone to learn of the simple things that I have dreamed of in recent days.  So long ago I lost the sunshine that could live alone inside of me.  Only those that I love more than anything else could carry me now.  No!  Love or no love, no one carries me!

      Am I insecure?  I have not allowed the time to consider this in this lifetime.  What is a lifetime? 

      Do I somehow see beyond the curtain and down the road?  There is a man waiting just down around the bend that I have always known.  I have laughed at him a thousand times, no, a million times.  Do I know that he is now waiting for me laughing, knowing I am coming down the path?  In a momentary flash I see him from the corner of my eye and I turn to see him gone!  Echoes of my soul play on like a symphony.  From somewhere without noticing, I collect all that I am and I place it next to the window that overlooks the edge of forever.

      I do not know why I feel this way except that it is Sandy's birthday.  It always leaves me unsettled.  Like an eclipse, there is a shadow I cannot deny.  The icy fingers of time burn my skin, my soul as each second passes on the clock that strangely, but all so familiarly makes that subtle growling noise on the wall.

      I just don't know...
                        I just don't know...   
                                          I just don't know...


By Mike Jackson

      Tuesday.  It is my Saturday.  I journey into the city, today.  Just like every time, I will drive there again.  The city so full of life.  Many stories can be told within it.  Many of these stories about me about Brooke, Mike, Amy, Ma, Dave, Sandy, Brian, Phyllis, Jeri, Charlie.  Today, I am alone.  I was alone last month and the month before that and for many more times than I care to think of.  Engine purrs.  Transmission growls.  Radio whistles.  Shadow lurks.

      Running down the long road the memories flood in.  I used to have ideas, now I have only yesterday.  I have waited so long. 

      STOP!  Why can I not shake this feeling of dread!?  I shake my head and loose myself in the social world that I am so engulfed in these days.  The radio is on, but behind the voices, I hear music.  It is a music that I have never heard.  I know what it is, but I just do not know what it is right now.

      I can hear the footsteps so so far away.  They are so soft yet have a power never seen by anyone.  The terror this power can bring cannot be comprehended.  I stand.  Firm.  Wind, tidal surges and all else are no match for my lack of fear.  I do not fear. 

      As the wind blows off the Gulf on this hot South Texas afternoon there was a whisper that chilled me.  I must have imagined it, I had to have imagined it.  The lack of sleep has brought me to a point of recession from the dimension of reality.  I am who I always was, but exhaustion has brought a stranger into my life.  If I could be, I'd be amazed at the bottom line our existence, but I am just too tired. 

      The things that make me who I am are packed in three packages that sit by the door.  I just don't know it yet. 

      Despite this twilight consciousness, I carry on like always.  I may be tired, but I'm still laughing.


By Mike Jackson

      No rest.  I do not sleep anymore.  Days off from work are days to be reminded of where I am.  Over the years I have been an artist in the "All-nighter".  Now, I have no choice.

      Defiantly, I look to my future.  My existence as I have molded it goes on.  There is tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.  I feel like I will always be.

      Dammit Tom, I just don't feel well.  I feel like I'm coming down with something.  I've felt like crap all day.

      The music slows, the lights go out on Wednesday.  I am at home.  It is dark.  Do I know that this is my last night home? 

      The piano, barely audible plays it's low key tune.  I begin to recognize it even though I've never heard it's melody before.


By Mike Jackson

      The sun is out.  The sky is blue.  All is as it should be on a warm Port Aransas day.  My faithful old truck carries me to work.  But something is wrong.  I feel like I am drowning.

      I would never be a bother to anyone.  People see me but the reality is, I feel like I'm drowning and when they look into my eyes they know that something is amiss.  I really don't want to burden anyone, but MY GOD!  I'm DROWNING!!

      I reach out for sympathy in a most uncharacteristic effort.  My friend knows there is some sort of danger, but he cannot believe that I can be vulnerable.  Moments later the hammer drops like we all know it will someday.  I make eye contact with the old man down the road.

      I fall.  Let me just go away.  I can heal my wounds in seclusion.  But all of the time I wonder if when alone should I just fix it for good.  But no.  A very dear friend tells me the way to go.  I am vulnerable as people labor over and around me.  This is it.  I have kept all this pain hidden for so long and now, foreclosure. 

      In a hospital bed I contemplate the future.  I still believe there is a future, but as I stare at the ceiling, that old familiar music plays and somewhere deep inside I know I can never go home.


By Mike Jackson

      Hours seem like days.  The reality of the setting sinks in.  I am here.  I have now heard all they have to say.  I learned to fight when I was so young and I've known nothing but since those days.  Today however, the fight is over.  Knowing what I now know, I must draw all to a close, I know what must happen now.

      The crystal ship.....Oh!  How it used to just wash over me.  I know deep inside that although this is the end of the fight, there is one great battle yet to fight.  In my heart, I know my children will always be on my side.  This I am certain of just as they are allies among each other.  This is the result of the love I have given to them.

      My daughter looks to me with all of the conviction that I have ever had and tells me that I must continue to exist.  I explain to her, this pain can no longer go on.  This is the end.  I give all that I am, all that I was to my children.

      I keep my promise to Mike that I made years ago to tell him that I am dying.  I tell him in one sentence that all those things he never told me, I already know.

      I tell my other daughter that although our paths will part today, we will again join each other.  I tell her this because I know this is true as I know my own name.

      I receive their blessing and their support.  And if I awake somewhere else in the great after life, I can tell them that I truly know what love is, because just as I have shown it to my kids, they have certainly shown it to me.


By Mike Jackson

      Days now seem like years.  I honestly don't know how long I've been here.  I receive word through the gasps for breath that Mike and Amy are coming.  I can see them once more.  I can wait a lifetime if I must.  Against the odds, against the wind, against the pain.  No matter what you do to me, I can wait for them.

      Dear Brooke.  You are my angel.  You stand by me, watching all around me as angry nothing growls at me from the edge of the fields.  You watch over the sky for the storms and protect and shelter my life.  Just like me, you cannot be taken down today.  We are an extraordinary people.  Your determination is remarkable.

      I wait.  Eternity passes.  I wait.  My entire life plays by.  I see my hometown.  I see the green hills behind the park.  The power lines cut through the trees of the mountain.  I see my Father go to work to never return.  I see my lust for automobiles all over again.  My friends.  Some of them dead for 25 years now are here.  I marry Sandy and a child is born.  I am yet wild.  I am unsettled.  I see it all and anger comes about.  WHY!?  But I know that I can do nothing to change this.  Another child is born and then another.  But trouble lurks and I am cast out alone.  Alone.  Just like I always feel.  Alone.  Alone yesterday.  Alone today.  Alone tomorrow.  Life in the north I live an easy life.  But my heart leads into dangerous territory and I cautiously step away.

      The system is rigid and I embark on a journey to take me far away.  In the gulf stream I take refuge, finding the finest place I have ever known.  Yet I am unsettled.  I am wild.  No one I love is here until one day Mike appears.  My world changes.  I am really no longer alone.  Together we build the best relationship that two friends could ever have.  Brooke joins us too.  We are a family.  I feel more alive now than ever before!  For some time we are a solid family, very certain, very sure.  Amy come to visit and still yet more family members.  I haven't felt so good in years.  But slowly things changed.  Mike answered the call to his wanderlust and Brooke got married.  Alone again, just like I always knew I would be.

      Time passed, days seemed like years.  The pain crept up during these years.  No one has known how bad it has been.  Aging sucks.  And voices call at me over and over again.  Someone stands holding the door for me, but Brooke's voice tells me Mike and Amy are coming.  I am not listening to the one holding the door, he's just going to have to wait for Joe Jackson.  He says I have to go, it is time.  But I tell him as I always have told so many, "I don't have to do anything."


By Mike Jackson

      How much longer will I be here?  I have no longer a concept of time.  My perception of everything has changed.  Time ticks away but so much slower now.  I drift out of reality because I am tired of laboring to survive.

      "Joe!  Wake up Joe!  Your kids are here to see you."  I know I heard it.  In my mind, all is clear but I cannot outwardly communicate.  It is so frustrating.  I reach deep within and draw strength from where there appeared to be none.  I greet Mike and Amy.  I am so happy that they are here.  I know that there is nothing compared to being with people who love you.  I at this moment have the clearest understanding of priorities in life.  It is a stark realization of how wrong I have been, how wrong the world has been!

      In one last battle my children finish the fight for me and show me that I no longer need to fight, that I can certainly trust them to carry me away.  I say good-bye the best that I can to Michael, Brooke and Amy.  You are the finest people I have ever known.  You have made being a father an absolute honor.  I will always love you.Thank you for understanding. 

                                    Love Dad

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