Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Register 2 is open, no lines, no waiting

 I try, but it takes work.  I work in the tech industry and the management of systems and their security makes complete sense.  The other side of it is that a 16-year-old kid can have more marketing success than Maxwell House Coffee back in the 1970s. Powered by frozen nutrition, microwaved into cardboard delicacy and energy drinks, those warriors of the sky rule. Of course, MH did not have the internet back then, so it is not a fair game.

I have 5 blog sites.  3 of them run the same content simultaneously.  One is a cooking blog and the other is not updated very often. Blogger is interesting because the full story can be read without ever entering the story itself.  This is mildly detectable in that the website gets many hits, but the articles themselves cannot reveal audience appeal. Blogs should be convenient, and I get that.

The young minds who tell us how simple it is on YouTube and TikTok fascinate me.  You can see that it is really as simple as they say. But there still seems to be a generational playing card that is missing.  I don't know about you but there has always been something inside me that will not stand for "great mysteries".  Like that man sitting on the sidewalk looking up at Harry Calahan, I gotta know.

I know in my heart there is a formula that includes how you approach these platforms. I wonder what line I need to be in to gain that understanding.  Let's face it, you know what I mean. That Russian Roulette we play at the grocery store in which we have been there too long and know that we likely have spent more than we set out to.  We approach that great and painful staging area in which the gauntlet of impulse items taunt us from either side statistically shaking loose dollars from our pockets.  We do that quick inventory of what others have in their carts, calculating how fast that line will move compared to the next aisle.  We assimilate the contributing factors; is the cashier too old, therefore slow, too young and inexperienced, and will choke on the produce codes? Does the bagger look like he knows where he is?  Are both of them too chatty? God forbid, does it look like someone is going to pull out a checkbook?

I suspect my Gen-X brain can only absorb a small amount of data concerning marketing on today's web when it comes to the social scene since it is coming at me so fast.  I am okay with this.

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