Saturday, February 17, 2024

Boomtown falls

 It is a revelation to me when I find recreation. It has been eluding me, fading in the months and years of the ride I have been on.  Somewhere along the road in my life, I saw every moment as a chance to prepare for something. Something was coming, and the only way to gain mastery over it was to know, consolidate, plan, and let the art of deception, create a modified perception of the opposer's advantage. Making it appear as if they had the upper hand during the attack allowed them to not only lose but to fall hard. This is the composition I have worked on for decades. Unseen advantages, projecting fabricated weaknesses. I dare say I took pleasure in it.

Poverty raised me to see the opportunity, take it, and fortify it.  The chance to take a little time to enjoy the scene, the fresh air, and the sunrise simply was not allowed.  After all, this is not a game, you fool! 

So where are you, the one whose plan was to steal that wonderful discovery from my experience and replace it with this wartime master? How dare you reach into my life and think you can tamper for so many years, using my history against me. Oh, the knowledge I have. It is this you seriously need to fear.

Here I have found something that is fulfilling and shows me what the world looks like if you are not watching the horizon for invasions. I know they are out there, but the idea of them rushing in at any moment has kept me busy. That in itself has been defeat, and I did not even know it. Now I do know and I hope that I will continue to know.  Boomtown falls, and it is good.

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